Grove House, Arklow, Co. Wicklow – Ph: 0402 33612

Mindfulness, Well-being & Happiness


Tailor-made for Teachers seeking to infuse Well-being into their daily practices, this course offers invaluable strategies for cultivating a constructive and positive classroom setting. We delve deeply into the essential subjects of well-being, self-care, and mindfulness, providing participants with practical strategies and valuable resources to foster a positive, inclusive, and supportive learning atmosphere.  



Mindfulness, Well-being & Happiness. Broaden your knowledge of well-being practices through our comprehensive online course. Tailored for teachers, this course delves deeper into vital topics such as well-being, self-care, and mindfulness, equipping participants with effective strategies and resources to cultivate a positive, inclusive, and supportive learning environment. Across a series of 5 engaging modules, teachers will acquire the skills and insights necessary to address and mitigate life’s challenges, thereby promoting intellectual, social, and emotional growth among pupils.

Key Course Features:

1. Enhanced Mindfulness: Begin by exploring fundamental mindfulness benefits and discover mindfulness techniques suitable for implementation in the classroom, enhancing concentration and alleviating stress.

2. Well-being and Self-care: Investigate the significance of well-being and self-care for both Teachers and pupils, emphasising the importance of tangible support systems in preventing bullying incidents.

3. School Self-Evaluation (SSE) Process & LAOS: Delve into the SSE and LAOS processes, recognizing its role in refining teaching methodologies, leadership qualities, and fostering a culture of continuous learning.

4. Anti-Bullying Strategies: Deepen your understanding of the repercussions of bullying on physical, emotional, and mental well-being, and acquire practical tools and tactics to instill an anti-bullying culture within your classroom.

5. Cultivating Happiness: Learn how to nurture well-being and happiness, creating a classroom environment characterized by joy, gratitude, and inclusivity, thus fostering a bullying-free atmosphere.


This course caters for Teachers, school counselors, principals, and educational support personnel in Primary Schools, dedicated to enhancing pupil well-being and eradicating bullying from educational settings.

Enrol today to embark on a life-long journey toward fostering Wellbeing, both at home and in the classroom.

‘This course should be obligatory for all school staff. I have thoroughly enjoyed the course modules. I can’t thank you enough for designing such an interesting, helpful and life changing course.’ – Rose